Here is where Casing ideas are explored...
Here's a give away idea for public domain... for open source development.
I still feel this design is worth exploring.
It is upscalable, calibratable and cost effective.
Watch for Part 2 up to 5.
HHO dry tubular cell - 1 amp @ 5 volts after switching
A little electrolyte added to let you see what it can do...
HBank H2 flame show - 4 - pure H2 flame
Pure Hydrogen Flame Demonstration.... Too Hot to see with the naked eyes.
HBank H2 flame show - 3 - LPG+H2 on bad burer
Here's a Perfect Video to show Skeptics that Inducing or Mixing Hydrogen with LPG has indeed an effect.
The First HHO Motorbike in China Part 1
Here's a video sent by my new friend in China... A Small Dry cell wired and with an unusual way of plumbing and ducting. But it works! :-) This is probably the first HHO'd Motorbike in China.... ...
Bob Boyce 27 Years HHO Part 6
Bob mentions about quality of gas over quantity...
Efficiency comes from the more energetic gas "Para Hydrogen", when you're making Para Hydrogen, you need less gas and less energy to make it.
But if you are making Ortho Hydrogen - the less energetic gas, then have less efficiency - specially if you are making too much of this, if you make too much Ortho gas - then you will be needing more energy to make it. This is common with Baking Soda as electrolyte catalyst.
He also mentioned about a guy who made a crude brute force electrolyzer cell using only 2 electrodes and high voltage from the coil - it was making Deuterium gas... Very interesting.
Bob Boyce 27 Years HHO Part 5
Bob talks about the offer made to his resonance technology by A Big Car Corporation to the tune of USD300M - but he turned it down - He doesnt care about 300M.
He also mentions about the rules of thumb about the amount of HHO recomended to be induced into the engine.
Many stuff to learn for the newbie and for those who are still clueless about how HHO enhances the fuel burn.
It's all about extracting the power of fuel by using HHO as a super catalytic agent... I have always called it FUEL SUPPLEMENT or SUPPLEMENTAL FUEL.
Bob Boyce 27 Years HHO Part 5
Bob talks about the offer made to his resonance technology by A Big Car Corporation to the tune of USD300M - but he turned it down - He doesnt care about 300M.
He also mentions about the rules of thumb about the amount of HHO recomended to be induced into the engine.
Many stuff to learn for the newbie and for those who are still clueless about how HHO enhances the fuel burn.
It's all about extracting the power of fuel by using HHO as a super catalytic agent... I have always called it FUEL SUPPLEMENT or SUPPLEMENTAL FUEL.
Bob Boyce 27 Years HHO Part 3
To Run Car on Water alone - is not allowed -by the FBI. Acoording to Bob
Bob Boyce 27 Years HHO Part 1
Bob Boyse is a real hero of the environment, He is also a Pioneer in HHO Technology, to be applying this technology during the early 80's and 90's into actual Racing and Winning from it - is indeed a feat to be recognized.
Racers are normally passionate in others things other than money, for a racer with an engineering background and has the ability to design and practice engineering on his design is the only way to do a correct design.
I haven't read much of Boyce works but although I learned about him lately - it appears he is the one to really learn from with regards to HHO and the electronics behind it. Specially his design approach.
Bob is also suffering from cancer - I heard - let us pray for him - May God deliver him out of this illness and may he have peace and blessings as well as his family.
Mr. e.
Presentation at the hho games and exposition Feb 2009 For more details go to
Here's a nice installation on vehicles by another good soul Bob Ace in the Philippines.
Please watch the video.
Interesting Post from an HHOer in Texas
"You guys have been busy since the last time I was here! I've been reading the many comments posted and I have an observation. It seems many are people of absolutes, either you're mistaken or gullible, or they know themselves to be correct! If any post is potentially made by someone promoting bad information although the person believes the information to be accurate, then potentially all people are mistaken and this includes the skeptics of which I previously belonged.
No one has mentioned the public comment in a TV interview by the CEO of Ford Motor Company about 2 months ago that the hydroxy units show great promise to increase mileage and lower emissions for the 2012 year models. He was referring to the water electrolysis units many call HHO generators. He said that Ford Motor Company is considering the use of these on the 2012 year models which should be 48 volt systems. Not bad for junk technology is it? However, be advised Ford has been in contact with and working with another independent company that currently manufactures and sells these units, so this isn't anything ground breaking, just simple electrolysis of water.
I live in the United States, the state of Texas, and believe it or not there are many of us researching many different angles or fuel improvement devices. Most fuel improvement devices do not work as advertised or if they work there tends to be some negatives such as engine damage or incredible costs to purchase. In the U.S. we are conditioned to pay our electric bill, buy gasoline and smile really big when we pay our taxes! Every bit of this is good for the economy and makes for lots of jobs and progress. Spend all of your money and work hard to make more. That's what we do. Texas probably has at least 3 times more oil reserves than most people realize and it's somewhat unpatriotic to talk about improving mileage. If you talk about electric cars or zero petroleum fuel, you tend to offend most of those involved the lucrative oil industry. I wouldn't expect the entire world to just drop fossil fuels overnight. But I see no harm in studying the other possibilities even if on a small scale. If this offends you, then either you have a lot invested in fossil fuels or live a charmed life with no other serious problems!
I was noting something that dvldoc said, but no one has caught the fallacy in the statement. Instead of comparing apples to apples when he mentioned the trickle of HHO compared to a volume of air, this is an apples to oranges comparison (Yes, we call it HHO - we know it's actually two compounds, H2 & O2 made with electrolysis from another compound H2O which is made from the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. No sense in revisiting the 6th grade chemistry to try and state the obvious just to point out how ignorant you think we are.). Had he compared the HHO (there I go again) to the trace of gasoline, diesel, propane or natural gas, this would have been a comparison of combustible fuel to combustible fuel, or apples to apples. Atmospheric air is mostly inert, with nearly 21% oxygen which is necessary for any combustion. The only part of the HHO that is remotely comparable to atmospheric air is the oxygen itself. On the comment that the amount of HHO compared to the amount of air being drawn into an engine is only a trace, it could be also stated that the amount of atomized gasoline being delivered compared to the large volume of air being drawn in is also just a trace even if a more significant trace. Here in Texas some of those big Cowboys can fart in the wind and it is more significant than you realize depending on where you are standing!
In a mechanically carbureted engine, the air/fuel mixture is set to balance the oxygen in the air to the appropriate amount of fuel being delivered so that the fuel can burn efficiently. Too much fuel without the proper amount of air leaves unburned fuel or a rich condition. Too much air caused a lean condition which in many cases can be destructive to engine parts such as valves or pistons depending on timing, compression and many other factors. If you increase the amount of combustible fuel without increasing the amount of air, or oxygen, you get a rich condition and fuel is wasted due to a lack of appropriate oxygen. Adding HHO to an already balanced air/fuel ratio does not upset the already set mechanical fuel delivery because the oxygen, O2, is already there in perfect proportions to match up with the hydrogen, H2, thereby eliminating the need for altering the carburetion adjustments on the engine. If you read where someone is adding only hydrogen to an engine to supplement mileage, in that case without the oxygen there is a need to increase the amount of air to ensure the hydrogen burns efficiently. Stating the extra oxygen is bad for the engine when introduced with the hydrogen is forgetting where that oxygen came from, and will return to. It came from water and will return to the original compound which is water. The HHO is it's own balance, and provided the engine was properly tuned prior to adding the HHO this balance does not affect the overall operation of the engine's fuel system. In the EFI systems this balance is adjusted and controlled by a processor that evaluates information from many sensory devices. In these systems the balance changes as the information from the sensors changes. Since the air/fuel ratio changes due to more efficient combustion when HHO is introduced, these systems do not work well with HHO without modifications. Here we are working hard to find a more simple way to get these systems to accept the HHO so we can install these on modern vehicles. So far the best way we've found to get these cars to work with HHO is to buy a special computer program to retune, or reset the settings using a laptop computer.
In my limited experience with hydrogen on demand from water for mileage, I've seen some people show me a system they bought off of the Internet or fabricated at home now mounted on their car. The system, poorly constructed and of a bad design, is improperly installed on the car. The owner then proudly states, "I'm getting 15% better mileage!" I think to myself, "If you're getting 15% better mileage with this junk, you're more talented than you appear to be!" Most of the information provided about these units is seriously suspect. I know that professional laboratories and testing facilities have tested these units, but they tend to be somewhat stingy in releasing good information to the public. In the meantime, and before some company like Ford produces something more efficient for us to evaluate, we are left building and testing these ourselves. I actually enjoy it.
Back to the negatives. No one mentioned anything about engine damage did they? Or did I miss that? People have damaged engines using these hydroxy units with corrosive electrolytes, like baking soda for one example. Also when not using a flashback presenter or bubbler others have had explosions and fires that damaged their vehicles, some of them trucks. I know of a couple of people here that have thought, "If a little HHO improved mileage 25%, then a lot of HHO should be much better!" They then burned up their alternator running excess amperage through their unit. I figured that one guy here in Texas can break even if he gets 40% better mileage and drives for another 2 years or 40,000 miles with no other accidents. Clearly he won't save enough money to pay for the expenses of buying the unit and then frying his alternator. Safety first, always install something like this with all considerations for avoiding engine damage or preventing an accident such as a fire or spilling water somewhere destructive.
I always take a calculator and figure what a person spends on fuel in one year of driving. This depends on how many miles/kilometers per year he or she drives and the average fuel consumption of that particular vehicle. If the vehicle consumes a lot of fuel, it's a good bet that even with moderate fuel savings the owner will see a quick return on their investment. However, if the vehicle is already getting good mileage, then the owner may have to drive 5 years, or more, just to pay for the money invested in the mileage device. It all depends on the vehicle.
I will close by saying this; I just cannot get the same mileage with the unit turned off as turned on. Clearly something is making an improvement in mileage. Both of my test cars are older antique cars that are carbureted, so no EFI to modify. With early hydroxy units of poor design the mileage increase was moderate to slight. As we've learned to make more HHO at very low amperage the mileage improvements are more significant. Consistently 35-45% better mileage than baseline before the unit was installed. On my 1967 VW Beetle when the engine is hot it vapor locks badly when the HHO unit is off and is hard to start. I have to run 93 octane with the unit turned off, runs great on 87 octane unit on. I can't imagine driving that car any distance without it. On this car I have so much experience and confidence in this latest unit I do not even have an on/off switch nor do I have an ammeter. Aside from a switch on the throttle that turns the unit off at engine idle, the unit runs, at low amperage continuously (4 amps or less depending on temperature). It does have an electronic pulser unit to control voltage and excess amperage however.
My engines are well tuned in superior mechanical condition for the most part. Both of my test cars have synthetic lubricants in the engine, transmission and differential which boosted mileage some. Tires are in good condition and air pressure checked often. I was already working hard to improve mileage prior to the HHO which allowed me some good mileage documentation. One test run to check mileage may be insufficient. You need an average of many tankfuls to get the proper information."
by: Art Nesmith
HHO Eureka!
These guys are funny... their first HHO experiment, of course I am discouraging Baking Soda and low grade metals since this makes those mucks which is Chromium Hexavalent - toxic.
Nevertheless, this is worth sharing.
Stoichiometric Hydrogen and Oxygen Gas
The product of dissociation of water by electrolysis using the
patented Brown Gas generator is a completely safe compressed stoichiometric
hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture known as hydroxy (Brown's Gas). There is
no other method capable of producing such a gas. The novelty has been
patented in Australia and in other major countries around the world.
Hydroxy (Brown's Gas) is a new product so there is no literature
describing the properties of this gas. Is has been a popular practice of
other investigators of the Brown's Gas Generator to ascribe to the gas the
properties of molecular hydrogen and oxygen gases in the proportion of 2:1.
Although this assumption seems very plausible it is incorrect. Hydroxy has
properties which are sufficiently different from the combined molecular
hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture to be significant in industrial and
commercial applications.
1. Hydroxy burns with a clear flame and the gas generator supplies the
gases at 280-320 kPa (40-50 psi).
2. The flame contains hydrogen and oxygen and no other elements so the
product of the burning is water.
3. The gas burns with a variety of nozzle sizes and can have a flame
length of up to 400mm.
4. The flame is extinguished by reducing the gas flow at the handle
and this is accompanied by a popping sound.
5. The New South Wales Department of Explosives has approved the
manufacture and use of the gas generation of hydroxy.
6. The flame is easily shown to be an exothermic reaction either with
water as an end product in some applications or dissociated
hydrogen and oxygen in other applications.
7. Hydroxy is safely stored, with little reassociation in the control
cell of the welder.
The theoretical flame temperature is 4900 celsius but the temperature
changes with various applications (refer to #6 of 2.2).
The temperature available with hydroxy can be remarkably high, as, for
example, the flame is capable of drilling holes in high temperature
refractory products.
To illustrate the temperature range it is possible, using the same gas
flame pressure, to:
1. Succesfully weld aluminum sheet (700 celsius)
2. Sublimate tungsten (8000 celsius)
It is claimed that implosion, as a single reaction, only occurs with
hydroxy and is impossible with other substances.
1. A volume reduction occurs from 1900 to 1.
2. Detonation is achieved with a hot spark (other methods).
3. Only a low decibel "ping" accompanied the implosion of 3-4 litres
of hydroxy (even this noise level can be reduced).
4. The speed of detonation is greater then 4m/second.
5. When implosion occurs with a water interface no exhaust is
6. There is no contraction-expansion effect when hydroxy is imploded,
only a contraction.
7. Little heat is lost to the equipment in an implosion cycle.
The new era of vacuum technology is possible using the implosion of
1. The low cost of hydroxy production (340 1/Kwh) ensures a very
inexpensive method for producing an ultra-high vacuum.
2. There isn't another technique for producing a vacuum of such a high
purity in such a short period with very inexpensive equipment.
The efficiency of DC power conversion to the thermal energy of the
produced hydrogen gas is 95%. But AC to DC conversion may be as high as
98% so the maximum efficiency of hydroxy production from AC supply is 93%.
Another important reason for using this electrolysis method for hydroxy
production is its ability to prodce the gas as required. So the inherent
problems of storage and loss by leakage are not relevant. The neutral
flame of hydroxy is important for welding and also as a clean heat source.
The following list fo suggestions for the use of hydroxy are
enumerated some salient properties are addended with a phrase or a simple
elaboration. The list is not exhaustive nor fully descriptive nor is it
meant to rank in order of importance. Naturally, many factors should be
considered when promoting a particular field of application because of the
possible economic, commercial and political disruption which could cause
readjustment at national levels.
1. Gas generator for welding, brazing, soldering.
(ex. AL, TIG. Lost costs, carbonizing flame, cutting, etc).
2. Special high temperature and thermal applications.
(ex. Ceramic surface, tiles, bricks, silica conversion, etc).
3. Atmospheric motor: stationary or transport
"A simple means has been found for making a vacuum, so atmospheric
pressure can be employed as a source of power."
(ex. pump, desalinator).
4. Coal to oil conversion: hydrogen production or new procedure.
(ex. drying coal, coal to graphite, waste gas conversion, etc).
5. Low energy (long time) - high energy (short time).
(ex. wind and other primary sources; low electrical - high thermal).
6. Aero applications: cheapest hydrogen production; turbo design (plus
It is worth emphasizing the five novelties presented by hydroxy:
1. Safety in the generation, storage, and use of the gas.
2. Inexpensive cost of production compared to other alternatives.
3. Very high temperature of the flame.
4. Implosion capability to trigger atmospheric pressure as a source of
5. Ultra-high vacuum with simple equipment at low cost.
Could any other patent present so many innovative and developmental
possibilities as hydroxy with such a multitude of important applications?
R.B. Davis, PhD.
January 26, 1982
Hydrogen boosters work. Here is how and why:
Our own utilization of this technology. i.e. the hydrogen injection system, has also been tested and proven both by institutions and in hundreds of practical applications in road vehicles.
Here is a synopsis of a sampling of the research that has been done:
In 1974 John Houseman and D.J/Cerini of the Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology produced a report for the Society of Automotive Engineers entitled "On-Board Hydrogen Generator for a Partial Hydrogen Injection Internal Combustion Engine". In1974 F.W. Hoehn and M.W. Dowy of the Jet Propulsion Lab, prepared a report for the9th Inter society Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, entitled "Feasibility Demonstration of a Road Vehicle Fuelled with Hydrogen Enriched Gasoline."
In the early eighties George Vosper P. Eng., ex-professor of Dynamics and Canadian inventor, designed and patented a device to transform internal combustion engines to run on hydrogen. He later affirms: "A small amount of hydrogen added to the air intake of a gasoline engine would enhance the flame velocity and thus permit the engine to operate with leaner air to gasoline mixture than otherwise possible.
The result, far less pollution with more power and better mileage." In 1995, Wagner, Jamal and Wyszynski, at the Birmingham, of University Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing, demonstrated the advantages of "Fractional addition of hydrogen to internal combustion engines by exhaust gas fuel reforming." The process yielded benefits in improved combustion stability and reduced nitrogen oxides and
hydrocarbon emissions.
Roy MacAlister, PE of the American Hydrogen Association states the "Use of mixtures of hydrogen in small quantities and conventional fuels offers significant reductions in exhaust emissions" and that "Using hydrogen as a combustion stimulant it is possible for other fuels to meet future requirements for lower exhaust emissions in California and an increasing number of additional states. Relatively small amounts of hydrogen can dramatically increase horsepower and reduce exhaust emissions."
At the HYPOTHESIS Conference, University of Cassino, Italy, June 26-29,1995, a group of scientists from the University of Birmingham, UK, presented a study about hydrogen as a fraction of the fuel. In the abstract of that study it stated: "Hydrogen, when used as a fractional additive at extreme lean engine operation, yields benefits in improved combustion stability and reduced nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon emissions."
In the Spring of 1997, at an international conference held by the University of Calgary, a team of scientists representing the Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, presented a mathematical model for the process of formation and restraint of toxic emissions in hydrogen-gasoline mixture fueled engines.
Using the theory of chemical dynamics of combustion, the group elaborated an explanation of the mechanism of forming toxic emissions in spark ignition engines. The results of their experimental investigation conclude that because of the characteristics of hydrogen, the mixture can rapidly burn in hydrogen-gasoline mixture fueled engines, thus toxic emissions are restrained.
These studies and other research on hydrogen as a fuel supplement generated big efforts in trying to develop practical systems to enhance internal combustion engine performance. A few of them materialized in patented devices that didn't reach the level of performance, safety or feasibility that would allow them to reach marketing
California Environmental Engineering (CEE) has tested this technology and found reduction on all exhaust emissions. They subsequently stated: "CEE feels that the result of this test verifies that this technology is a viable source for reducing emissions and fuel consumption on large diesel engines."
The American Hydrogen Association Test Lab tested this technology and proved that:"Emissions test results indicate that a decrease of toxic emissions was realized." Again, zero emissions were observed on CO.
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. Vehicle subjected to dynamometer loading in controlled conditions showed drastic reduction of emissions and improved horsepower.
We also conducted extensive testing in order to prove reliability and determine safety and performance of the components and the entire system. As a result of these tests, we achieved important breakthroughs as far as the designs of the components were concerned. We have since increased the hydrogen/oxygen production significantly. This has resulted in increased effectiveness on engine performance.
The results of these tests were able to confirm the claims made about this technology: the emissions will be reduced, the horsepower will increase and the fuel consumption will be reduced. From researching the Internet we also found the following information
To best describe how Hydrogen Enhanced Combustion works, we are providing this excerpt from a University Technical Report, written by Mr. GeorgeVosper, P.Eng.; ...a Hydrogen Generating System (HGS) for trucks or cars has been on the market for some time. Mounted on a vehicle, it feeds small amounts of hydrogen and oxygen into the engine's air intake. Its makers claim savings in fuel, reduced noxious and greenhouse gases and increased power. The auto industry is not devoid of hoaxes and as engineers are skeptics by training, it is no surprise that a few of them say the idea won't work. Such opinions, from engineers can't be dismissed without explaining why I think these Hydrogen Generating Systems do work and are not just another hoax.
The 2nd law of thermodynamics is a likely source of those doubts.
Meaning the law -would lead you to believe that it will certainly take more power to produce this hydrogen than can be regained by burning it in the engine. i.e. the resulting energy balance should be negative. If the aim is to create hydrogen by electrolysis to be
burned as a fuel, the concept is ridiculous.
On the other hand, if hydrogen shortens the burn time of the main fuel-air mix, putting more pressure on the piston through a longer effective power stroke, and in doing so takes more work out, then this system does make sense.
Does it work? Independent studies, at different universities, using various fuels, have shown that flame speeds increase when small amounts of hydrogen are added to air fuel mixes.
A study by the California Institute of Technology, at its Jet Propulsion Lab
Pasadena, in 1974 concluded: The J.P.L. concept has unquestionably demonstrated that the addition of small quantities of gaseous hydrogen to the primary gasoline significantly reduces CO and NOx exhaust emissions while improving engine thermal efficiency
A recent study at the University of Calgary by G.A. Karim on the effect of adding hydrogen to a methane-fuelled engine says ... The addition of some hydrogen to the methane, speeds up the rates of initiation and subsequent propagation of flames over the whole combustible mixture range, including for very fast flowing mixtures.
This enhancement of flame initiation and subsequent flame propagation, reduces the ignition delay and combustion period in both spark ignition and compression ignition engines which should lead to noticeable improvements in the combustion process and performance What happens inside the combustion chamber is still only a guess.
In an earlier explanation I suggested that the extremely rapid flame speed of the added hydrogen oxygen interspersed through the main fuel air mix, gives the whole mix a much faster flame rate. Dr. Brant Peppley, Hydrogen Systems Group, Royal Military College, Kingston, has convinced me that insufficient hydrogen is produced to have
much effect by just burning it. He feels that the faster burn is most likely due to the presence of nascent (atomic hydrogen and nascent oxygen, which initiate a chain reaction. I now completely agree. Electrolysis produces "nascent" hydrogen, and oxygen, which may or may not reach the engine as nascent. It is more probable that high temperature in the combustion chamber breaks down the oxygen and hydrogen molecules into free radicals (i.e. nascent). The chain reaction initiated by those free radicals will cause a simultaneous ignition of all the primary fuel. As it all ignites at once, no flame front can exist and without it there is no pressure wave to create knock.
Corrections Canada Bowden Alberta Institution
Corrections Canada tested several systems and concluded, "The hydrogen system is a valuable tool in helping Corrections Canada meet the overall Green Plan by: reducing vehicle emissions down to an acceptable level and meeting the stringent emissions standard set out by California and British Columbia; reducing the amount of fuel consumed by increased mileage." Additionally, their analysis pointed out that this solution is the most cost effective. For their research they granted the C.S.C Environmental Award.
The results of tests at Corrections Canada's, Bowden Alberta Institution and other independent tests reinforce the belief that combustion is significantly accelerated. They found with the HGS on, unburned hydrocarbons, CO and NO, in the exhaust were either eliminated or drastically reduced and at the same R.P.M. the engine produced more torque from less fuel.
Recently I took part in the highway test of a vehicle driven twice over the same 200- kilometre course, on cruise control, at the same speed, once with the system off and once with it on. A temperature sensor from an accurate pyrometer kit had been inserted directly into the exhaust manifold, to eliminate thermal distortion from the catalytic converter.
On average, the exhaust manifold temperature was 65°F lower
during the second trip when the Hydrogen Generating System was switched on. The fuel consumption with the unit off was 5.13253 km/li. and 7.2481 km/li. with it on, giving a mileage increase of 41.2% and a fuel savings attributable to the unit of 29.18% from the forgoing, the near absence of carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons confirms a very complete and much faster burn. Cooler exhaust temperatures show
that more work is taken out during the power stroke. More torque from less fuel at the same R.P.M. verifies that higher pressure from a faster burn, acting through a longer effective power stroke, produces more torque and thus more work from less fuel.
The considerable reduction in nitrous oxides (NOx} was a surprise. I had assumed that the extreme temperatures from such a rapid intense burn would produce more NO.,. Time plus high temperature are both essential for nitrous oxides to form. As the extreme burn temperatures are of such short duration and temperature through the remainder of the power stroke and the entire exhaust stroke, will, on average, be much cooler. With this in mind, it is not so surprising that less NOX is produced when the HGS is operating.
Assume a fuel-air mix is so lean as to normally take the entire power stroke (180°) to complete combustion. Educated estimates suggest the presence of nascent hydrogen and oxygen decreases the burn time of the entire mix by a factor of ten (10). If a spark advance of 4° is assumed, the burn would be complete at about 14° past top dead centre. Such a burn will be both rapid and intense. The piston would have moved less
than 2% of its stroke by the end of the burn, allowing over 98% of its travel to extract work. The lower exhaust manifold temperatures observed when the Hydrogen Generating System was in use can be viewed as evidence for this occurrence. Power consumed by this model of the electrolysis cell is about 100 watts. If an alternator efficiency of 60% is assumed, then 0.2233 horsepower will produce enough wattage.
Even on a compact car, a unit would use less than ¼ % of its engine's output, or about what is used by the headlights. The energy regained from burning the hydrogen in the engine is so small that virtually all of the power to the electrolyser must be considered lost. That loss should not, however, exceed V4%, so that any increase in the engine's thermal efficiency more than ¼ %, is a real gain.
An engineering classmate suggested a grass fire as a useful analogy to understand combustion within an engine. The flame front of a grass fire is distinct and its speed depends in part on the closeness of the individual blades. If grass is first sprayed with a small amount of gasoline to initiate combustion, then all blades will ignite almost in unison.
In much the same way, small amounts of nascent oxygen and hydrogen present in the fuel-air mix will cause a chain reaction that ignites all the primary fuel molecules simultaneously. Faster more complete burns are the keys to improving efficiency in internal combustion engines. Power gained from increased thermal efficiency, less the power to the electrolysis unit, is the measure of real gain or loss. It follows from the foregoing paragraph that even a modest gain in thermal efficiency will be greater than the power used by an electrolysis unit. The net result should therefore be positive.
Thus onboard electrolysis systems supplying hydrogen and oxygen to internal combustion engines, fuelled by diesel, gasoline or propane, should substantially increase efficiencies. While the auto industry searches for the perfect means of eliminating harmful emissions, consideration should be given to what these systems can do now, since the HGS considers reduction of harmful emissions even as the engine
ages. Almost all unburned hydrocarbons, CO and NO,, are eliminated.
Reducing hydrocarbons and CO causes a slight rise in the percentage of CO2 in the exhaust, but as less fuel is used, the actual quantity of CO2 produced is reduced by roughly the same ratio as the savings in fuel. In brief, noxious gas is almost eliminated and greenhouse gas is decreased in proportion to the reduction in fuel consumption.
Nothing I have learned so far has lessened my belief that the benefits of using electrolysis units to supply hydrogen to most types of internal combustion engines are both real and considerable.
For more information on the full report
This vid was long overdue.. for the novice to the advanced.. this is some of the basics describing why HHO is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from Brown's gas ie; particulate water vapor from the re-mixing of gas w/solution substrate(then dried or not)... i'll point out that The Hydroxy Gas has been Photonated after an induced VOLTAGE Dissociation Field and "starved" of electrons.. this effect inhibits the Constituent Gasses from returning to a water state upon combustion.....KaaaaBOOOM!!!
This is a first rate vid..."theenergyunderground" has done their homework......

Electrolysis is a process by which electrical energy is used to produce a chemical change. Perhaps the most familiar example of electrolysis is the decomposition (breakdown) of water into hydrogen and oxygen by means of an electric current. The same process can be used to decompose compounds other than water. Sodium, chlorine, magnesium, and aluminum are four elements produced commercially by electrolysis.
The electrolysis of water illustrates the changes that take place when an electric current passes through a chemical compound. Water consists of water molecules, represented by the formula H 2 O. In any sample of water, some small fraction of molecules exist in the form of ions, or charged particles. Ions are formed in water when water molecules break apart to form positively charged hydrogen ions and negatively charged hydroxide ions. Chemists describe that process with the following chemical equation:
H 2 O → H + + OH −
In order for electrolysis to occur, ions must exist. Seawater can be electrolyzed, for example, because it contains many positively charged sodium ions (Na + ) and negatively charged chloride ions (Cl − ). Any liquid, like seawater, that contains ions is called an electrolyte.
Water is not usually considered an electrolyte because it contains so few hydrogen and hydroxide ions. Normally, only one water molecule out of two billion ionizes. In contrast, sodium chloride (table salt) breaks apart completely when dissolved in water. A salt water solution consists entirely of sodium ions and chloride ions.
In order to electrolyze water, then, one prior step is necessary. Some substance, similar to sodium chloride, must be added to water to make it an electrolyte. The substance that is usually used is sulfuric acid.
The electrolysis process
The equipment used for electrolysis of a compound consists of three parts: a source of DC (direct) current; two electrodes; and an electrolyte. A common arrangement consists of a battery (the source of current) whose two poles are attached to two strips of platinum metal (the electrodes), which are immersed in water to which a few drops of sulfuric acid have been added (the electrolyte).
Electrolysis begins when electrical current (a flow of electrons) flows out of one pole of the battery into one electrode, the cathode. Positive hydrogen ions (H + ) in the electrolyte pick up electrons from that electrode and become neutral hydrogen molecules (H 2 ):
2 H + + 2 e − → H 2
(Hydrogen molecules are written as H 2 because they always occur as pairs of hydrogen atoms. The same is true for molecules of oxygen, O 2 .)
As the electrolysis of water occurs, one can see tiny bubbles escaping from the electrolyte at the cathode. These are bubbles of hydrogen gas.
Words to Know
Anode: The electrode in an electrolytic cell through which electrons move from the electrolyte to the battery.
Cathode: The electrode in an electrolytic cell through which electrons move from the battery to the electrolyte.
Electrolyte: Any substance that, when dissolved in water, conducts an electric current.
Electrolytic cell: A system in which electrical energy is used to bring about chemical changes.
Electroplating: A process that uses an electrolytic cell to deposit a thin layer of metal on some kind of surface.
Ion: Any particle, such as an atom or molecule, that carries an electric charge.
Bubbles can also be seen escaping from the second electrode, the anode. The anode is connected to the second pole of the battery, the pole through which electrons enter the battery. At this electrode, electrons are being taken out of the electrolyte and fed back into the battery. The electrons come from negatively charged hydroxide ions (OH − ), which have an excess of electrons. The anode reaction is slightly more complicated than the cathode reaction, as shown by this chemical equation:
4 OH − − 4 e − → O 2 + 2 H 2 O
Essentially this equation says that electrons are taken away from hydroxide ions and oxygen gas is produced in the reaction. The oxygen gas bubbles off at the anode, while the extra water formed remains behind in the electrolyte.
The overall reaction that takes place in the electrolysis of water is now obvious. Electrons from the battery are given to hydrogen ions in the electrolyte, changing them into hydrogen gas. Electrons are taken from hydroxide ions in the electrolyte and transferred to the battery. Over time, water molecules are broken down to form hydrogen and oxygen molecules:
2 H 2 O → 2 H 2 + O 2
Commercial applications
Preparing elements. Electrolysis is used to break down compounds that are very stable. For example, aluminum is a very important metal in modern society. It is used in everything from pots and pans to space shuttles. But the main natural source of aluminum, aluminum oxide, is a very stable compound. A compound that is stable is difficult to break apart. You can't get aluminum out of aluminum oxide just by heating the compound—you need more energy than heat can provide.
Aluminum is prepared by an electrolytic process first discovered in 1886 by a 21-year-old student at Oberlin College in Ohio, Charles Martin Hall (1863–1914). Hall found a way of melting aluminum oxide and then electrolyzing it. Once melted, aluminum oxide forms ions of aluminum and oxygen, which behave in much the same way as hydrogen and hydroxide ions in the previous example. Pure aluminum metal is obtained at the cathode, while oxygen gas bubbles off at the anode. Sodium, chlorine, and magnesium are three other elements obtained commercially by an electrolytic process similar to the Hall process.
Refining of copper. Electrolysis can be used for purposes other than preparing elements. One example is the refining of copper. Very pure copper is often required in the manufacture of electrical equipment. (A purity of 99.999 percent is not unusual.) The easiest way to produce a product of this purity is with electrolysis.
An electrolytic cell for refining copper contains very pure copper at the cathode, impure copper at the anode, and copper sulfate as the electrolyte. When the anode and cathode are connected to a battery, electrons flow into the cathode, where they combine with copper ions (Cu 2+ ) in the electrolyte:
Cu 2+ + 2 e − → Cu 0
Pure copper metal (Cu 0 in the above equation) is formed on the cathode.
At the anode, copper atoms (Cu 0 ) lose electrons and become copper ions (Cu 2+ ) in the electrolyte:
Cu 0 − 2 e − → Cu 2+
Overall, the only change that occurs in the cell is that copper atoms from the impure anode become copper ions in the electrolyte. Those copper ions are then plated out on the cathode. Any impurities in the anode are just left behind, and nearly 100 percent pure copper builds up on the cathode.
Electroplating. Another important use of electrolytic cells is in the electroplating of silver, gold, chromium, and nickel. Electroplating produces a very thin coating of these expensive metals on the surfaces of cheaper metals, giving them the appearance and the chemical resistance of the expensive ones.
In silver plating, the object to be plated (a spoon, for example) is used as the cathode. A bar of silver metal is used as the anode. And the electrolyte is a solution of silver cyanide (AgCN). When this arrangement is connected to a battery, electrons flow into the cathode where they combine with silver ions (Ag + ) from the electrolyte to form silver atoms (Ag 0 ):
Ag + + 1 e − → Ag 0
These silver atoms plate out as a thin coating on the cathode—in this case, the spoon. At the anode, silver atoms give up electrons and become silver ions in the electrolyte:
Ag 0 − 1 e − → Ag 0
Silver is cycled, therefore, from the anode to the electrolyte to the cathode, where it is plated out.
Read more:
GenIV gasket update and bubbler setup
This is the latest improvement made by Smack - aka electrikride of in youtube. This is a more sounder, safer and more solid configuration.
I recomend DIYers to replicate your set up similar to this in order to have a more safer and sounder set up.
For more information about smack boosters - click below to see his site.
The following is an excerpt from his video script:
"To reduce foaming, I have increased the cell gap to .160". This also increases the fluid capacity of the cell which extends time between refills. The change in gap does not appear to have effected the efficiency of the cell significantly.
I also recommend using a second bubbler to prevent the possibility of pushing electrolyte into the engine's intake. This also acts to further scrub the output gas for a dryer, more pure hydroxy output."
Courtesy of
Keep safe everyone.
燃費、改造スクーター、スズキベクスター125水素実験 HHO MINI CELL
中速の伸びがよくなります。高速では水素ガスが薄くなるせいか最高速は105kほどで す。
ガスの量はかなり少ないですが。電流が4Aでも体感できたのでこの125CCのスクー ター
でも問題なく使えそうです。最初はバッテリー上がりががすごく心配でしたがコンデンサ ー
を付けたり水素の電源をエンジンを切るまえにオフにすればバッテリーには影響ないよう です。
後ろの大きいタンクは冷却用です電流が3A以上になると水温が上がってしまうので必要 になります。
Pulsing Hydrogen Fuel Cell while Charging Battery (OU)
These concepts go back to Tesla, and his concepts of his Tesla Switch. Also, Bedini uses these Bi-Filer coils with much success. These are attempts to show overunity while using PWM (pulse width modulation).
Regards, sirHOAX
TIG Welding your electrodes
If you use stainless and want to adopt a full bath system... see to it that all your joints or connections are TIG welded.
The cell being welded here is the Super 7 cell design... prototype #001.
HHO test cell
Here's Pete with his Bob boyce inspired Home made electrolytic cell made from whats available in his garage/ kitchen or stock room.
Pete is a VW enthusiast and is also an Earth Saver.
I find his video worth sharing. Personally. Watch out for his project!
His mission, to run his VW bus on straight HHO... a tall feat and worth attention.
All the best Pete and I look forward in seeing you soon!
Hydrogen Engine
This is an attempt to run an engine with pure HHO... ok, it's not an over unity project, the experimenter here only proves that engines can run on pure hydroxy gas, and that his flashback system works great!... even with lesser gas production. This is actually a very dangerous thing to do without a flashback arrester.
Starting the engine means, it has zero vacuum, therefore, free floating hydroxy gas are dangerously roaming in the air stack, and 2 stroke engines dont have valves to shut the cylinder to contain combustion 100 %. Flashbacks is so easy to occur. I have seen many accidents from this type of experiments.
I still would not recommend this unless you prime the engine with gasoline first just to establish the vacuum pulling factor for safety.
In my early days experimenting, one of my internet buddies destroyed his intake manifold in his V6 Plymouth voyager. This type of accidents can happen without vacuum... and this happens during starting or cranking up the engine with pure hydroxy gas a.k.a. HHO.
Word of Caution, There is no alternative for safety.
When there's smoke...there's water
How often do we hear or read this old wise saying: "When there's smoke there's fire."
This is how man connected events, experiences and issues to normal everyday life.
Every fireman will tell you that smoke comes after fire, and so people normally relates this with social or personal situations like for instance... when someone plays with fire, surely - you will smell the smoke later and it has a stinky scent.
However, creating a buzz before the actual event is like creating smoke before making the fire. This is contrary to common science or psychology, the Dogmas will tell you that - you cannot put the horse behind the carriage. Well, of course you can't - simply because a horse cannot push the carriage because it doesn't have hands to push it nor steer it. However, the horse can always pull the carriage - and to refute the dogmas - you can actually put a horse behind the carriage and let it pull the carriage, whether the horse is facing the carriage or road doesnt matter anymore since the premise or the argument is merely stating that you cannot put a horse behind a carriage and it does'nt say you cannot put the front of the horse behind the back of the carriage.
I think rhetorics is childish and dogmatic rules are imature way of thinking.
It is very common to hear people tell you "Think out of the box"... but this too is questionable per se... simply because the box is an abstract idea. A concept not so concrete, and anything not concrete just like liquid or gas will be hard to contain and will be hard to percieve simply because they dont have a form... no front, no back no aft nor behind.
So much of philosophical talks, now let me go into my main message...
Haven't you noticed that with any burning material known to man, Smoke comes after the fire.
But with the most controversial among the elements known to man... this particular type is also so common to man that his body and his planet is mainly composed of this life giving element... Water.
In scientific term: H2O.
This blog is of course dealing with raising the awareness of the public about Hydrogen on demand technology a.k.a. HHO.
Many people have already joined the bandwagon on this technology... but very few really realize the principle involved in developing it to it's peak.
In my years of being into this stuff, I have noticed that HHO is a very peculiar element.
In history, it was HHO first before fossil fuel came into the picture... therefore, Water fuel was making a buzz already even before it's full commercialization took place. This is clearly smoke before the fire analogy....
In actual observation using a high output dry cell drawing about 40A and pushing about 4 Liters of HHO gas... You will see smoke coming out of the other end of the tube with some water... This steamy fog or mist is actually a highly explosive gas, a small ignition will either make this gas explode or light up a clean white/yellow/ bluish white flame torch if you have a welding tip... Clearly - Smoke before the fire scenario.
Kill the fire... and there is no smoke.
I have noticed two different types of people in my 40 years of existence... The white and clean type and the dark and gloomy type.
The former are those with a naivish type of attitude, these are the people who will tell you the truth in your face and will tell you everything before they even do it.
The latter are those who show a good or charming personality on the outside but you will sense an aura of dark history from them... they are the ones who will keep on explaining themselves in a defensive mode, as if they are trying to cover something.
The former can be likened to HHO... clean, burning fuel that doesnot give off rotten smelling smoke.
The latter are like fossil fuels... playing with their own fire at first, and you will only find out later after you smell something burning already.
I have lived my life on both sides of the pond... have lived in a denial state with the latter... and lived with a more wholesome state with the former.
The former is now the present...
The present is now the time for clean energy to lite up.
These are the times when we are bound to smell the rotten smoke brought to us by fossil fuel and the similar types of people behind it.
These are also the times when clean burning hydrogen fuel will light up our homes and power our cars... because this is the time where Fire comes after smoke...
When there's Fire... there's water... and when there's smoke... there will be fire.
Help and support Earth Rescue Rangers... Help Save the planet... Do you part, do your share, Read and do your homework. Do your math.
Use less... Give more...
All these words in context are golden nuggets in achieving clean energy technology.
Please be guided by these words... I was.
Pure HHO Start up
This is an attempt to run an engine with pure HHO... ok, it's not an over unity project, the experimenter here only proves that engines can run on pure hydroxy gas, and that his flashback system works great!... even with lesser gas production. This is actually a very dangerous thing to do without a flashback arrester.
Starting the engine means, it has zero vacuum, therefore, free floating hydroxy gas are dangerously roaming in the air stack, and 2 stroke engines dont have valves to shut the cylinder to contain combustion 100 %. Flashbacks is so easy to occur. I have seen many accidents from this type of experiments.
I still would not recommend this unless you prime the engine with gasoline first just to establish the vacuum pulling factor for safety.
In my early days experimenting, one of my internet buddies destroyed his intake manifold in his V6 Plymouth voyager. This type of accidents can happen without vacuum... and this happens during starting or cranking up the engine with pure hydroxy gas a.k.a. HHO.
Word of Caution, There is no alternative for safety. Safety is paramount, always move your face and eyes away from possible trajectory lines of debris in case of a possible explosion. Accidents is marginal.
The Kyoto Protocol - You need to know.

On 16 February 2005, in the culmination of ten years of sometimes exhausting and often frustrating negotiations, the Kyoto Protocol became law. Thirty-five industrialised countries along with the European Union are now legally bound to reduce or limit their greenhouse gas emissions.
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
The Kyoto Protocol is the world's only international agreement with binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As such, it is the primary tool governments of the world have to address climate change. Specifically, the Protocol requires a nominal 5 percent reduction in emissions by developed countries world-wide relative to 1990 levels, by 2008-2012. To meet this world-wide target, each country is obligated to its individual target - the European Union (EU[15]) 8 percent, Japan 6 percent, etc. These individual targets are derived from past greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition to legally binding national emissions targets, the Kyoto Protocol includes various trading mechanisms. Now that the Protocol is law, formal preparations will begin to create a ‘global’ carbon market for emissions trading by 2008, and the so-called ‘flexible mechanisms’ - the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) - will become operational.
The Kyoto Protocol was originally agreed on in 1997 - although many crucial details were left to later talks. In order to enter into force (become law) the Protocol required ratification by at least 55 countries accounting for at least 55 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions from Annex B (industrialised) nations. So far, 129 countries have ratified or acceded to the Protocol. It passed the number of countries test in 2002, and finally passed the second hurdle with ratification by the Russian Federation in late 2004.
Notably absent from the Protocol is the US; which shows no signs of ratifying the treaty, at least not as long as the Bush administration is in power - even though the US is the world's biggest greenhouse gas polluter. Australia, Liechtenstein, Croatia and Monaco also have yet to complete the ratification process.
The Clean Development Mechanism (Article 12)
The Clean Development Mechanism is designed to generate emissions reduction credits for Annex I countries that finance projects in non-Annex I countries who are part of the treaty. For example, Canada financing an energy efficiency project in China, or Japan financing a renewable energy project in Morocco. These projects must have the approval of the CDM Executive Board, and in addition to generating measurable emissions reductions against a business-as-usual baseline, they should contribute to sustainable development in the developing country partners.
Joint Implementation (Article 3)
Joint Implementation allows industrialised countries with emissions reduction targets to cooperate in meeting them. For example, German-financed energy efficiency projects in Russia, or Norwegian-financed renewable energy projects in Hungary, which generate emissions reductions, under specific circumstances can be credited to the country that finances them. In theory, this is a more economically efficient means of generating the same overall emissions reductions for industrialised countries.
See also 'Sinks' and other possible pitfalls.
Will the Kyoto Protocol "save the climate"?
The Kyoto Protocol is an important first step - as it was intended to be. It has always been recognized that the Kyoto Protocol will not be enough on its own. To avoid dangerous climate change the world needs at least 30 percent cuts by industrialized countries by 2020, increasing to 70-80 percent cuts by mid-century. Anything less than this will consign our children and theirs to a very unpleasant and very unstable world.
The decisions that governments, industry and civil society make over the next decade or two will be decisive. You have a say in those decision, and your help is needed. See our Take Action page for what you can do.
More information:
Kyoto pitfalls
International negotiations – Greenpeace position statements and first hand reports from international meetings.
Text of the Kyoto Protocol
Kyoto Protocol becomes law - Greenpeace marks the event and calls for action around the world.
HHO Updates 5/18/2009 on an old Beetle
This is a video from Lrover03 which I got from youtube. I find it enthusiastically worth sharing please read on..
"Here's the latest on my Hydroxy assisted 71 VW Bug. So far the results have been impressive, to say the least. I got documented proof of at least 43.9 mpg just a few days ago, and I'm getting nowhere near the efficiency that the cell is actually capable of, since my electrolyte is fairly weak at 4 tablespoons of Sodium Bicarbonate per gallon of water and I also have no PWM to effectively control the current draw of the cell (yet). I ordered a bare PC board from ZeroFossilFuel (thanks guy!) and have some of the stuff to assemble it, but I still need some key components to finish it up. Pretty soon, pretty soon...
A little info on the engine for the benefit of Ehnriko and any other VW enthusiasts :-)
Stock case with a counterbalanced stock stroke crank, reduced size power pulley, 87 mm. jugs with teflon coated slipper pistons, shot peened high strength rods with high tension rod bolts, Engle W-100 street cam 420 lift 276 duration 108 degree lobe centers. Straight cut steel cam gears, Custom heads with stainless steel valves (40mm intake, 35.5mm exh.) and small chambers, swivel-foot valve lash adjusters, 13.5 lb. flywheel, dual 40mm Kadron carbs with 125 mains, mild porting work on heads and intake manifolds, high volume oil pump with filter, Bosch 009 distributor with Pertronix electronic ignition and Bosch blue coil. Makes about 105 - 110 hp. in the current configuration. Redline's around 5800 rpm. Best rpm for best mileage is around 3000-3200 = abt. 60-65 mph. ;-) The car is *very* snappy for just a little larger than stock bore, and surprisingly stays pretty cool with the stock oil cooler and the power pulley. "
- Lrover03
Hydroxy = Stoichiometric Hydrogen and Oxygen Gas

Stoichiometric Hydrogen and Oxygen Gas
The product of dissociation of water by electrolysis using the
patented Brown Gas generator is a completely safe compressed stoichiometric
hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture known as hydroxy (Brown's Gas). There is
no other method capable of producing such a gas. The novelty has been
patented in Australia and in other major countries around the world.
Hydroxy (Brown's Gas) is a new product so there is no literature
describing the properties of this gas. Is has been a popular practice of
other investigators of the Brown's Gas Generator to ascribe to the gas the
properties of molecular hydrogen and oxygen gases in the proportion of 2:1.
Although this assumption seems very plausible it is incorrect. Hydroxy has
properties which are sufficiently different from the combined molecular
hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture to be significant in industrial and
commercial applications.
1. Hydroxy burns with a clear flame and the gas generator supplies the
gases at 280-320 kPa (40-50 psi).
2. The flame contains hydrogen and oxygen and no other elements so the
product of the burning is water.
3. The gas burns with a variety of nozzle sizes and can have a flame
length of up to 400mm.
4. The flame is extinguished by reducing the gas flow at the handle
and this is accompanied by a popping sound.
5. The New South Wales Department of Explosives has approved the
manufacture and use of the gas generation of hydroxy.
6. The flame is easily shown to be an exothermic reaction either with
water as an end product in some applications or dissociated
hydrogen and oxygen in other applications.
7. Hydroxy is safely stored, with little reassociation in the control
cell of the welder.
The theoretical flame temperature is 4900 celsius but the temperature
changes with various applications (refer to #6 of 2.2).
The temperature available with hydroxy can be remarkably high, as, for
example, the flame is capable of drilling holes in high temperature
refractory products.
To illustrate the temperature range it is possible, using the same gas
flame pressure, to:
1. Succesfully weld aluminum sheet (700 celsius)
2. Sublimate tungsten (8000 celsius)
It is claimed that implosion, as a single reaction, only occurs with
hydroxy and is impossible with other substances.
1. A volume reduction occurs from 1900 to 1.
2. Detonation is achieved with a hot spark (other methods).
3. Only a low decibel "ping" accompanied the implosion of 3-4 litres
of hydroxy (even this noise level can be reduced).
4. The speed of detonation is greater then 4m/second.
5. When implosion occurs with a water interface no exhaust is
6. There is no contraction-expansion effect when hydroxy is imploded,
only a contraction.
7. Little heat is lost to the equipment in an implosion cycle.
The new era of vacuum technology is possible using the implosion of
1. The low cost of hydroxy production (340 1/Kwh) ensures a very
inexpensive method for producing an ultra-high vacuum.
2. There isn't another technique for producing a vacuum of such a high
purity in such a short period with very inexpensive equipment.
The efficiency of DC power conversion to the thermal energy of the
produced hydrogen gas is 95%. But AC to DC conversion may be as high as
98% so the maximum efficiency of hydroxy production from AC supply is 93%.
Another important reason for using this electrolysis method for hydroxy
production is its ability to prodce the gas as required. So the inherent
problems of storage and loss by leakage are not relevant. The neutral
flame of hydroxy is important for welding and also as a clean heat source.
The following list fo suggestions for the use of hydroxy are
enumerated some salient properties are addended with a phrase or a simple
elaboration. The list is not exhaustive nor fully descriptive nor is it
meant to rank in order of importance. Naturally, many factors should be
considered when promoting a particular field of application because of the
possible economic, commercial and political disruption which could cause
readjustment at national levels.
1. Gas generator for welding, brazing, soldering.
(ex. AL, TIG. Lost costs, carbonizing flame, cutting, etc).
2. Special high temperature and thermal applications.
(ex. Ceramic surface, tiles, bricks, silica conversion, etc).
3. Atmospheric motor: stationary or transport
"A simple means has been found for making a vacuum, so atmospheric
pressure can be employed as a source of power."
(ex. pump, desalinator).
4. Coal to oil conversion: hydrogen production or new procedure.
(ex. drying coal, coal to graphite, waste gas conversion, etc).
5. Low energy (long time) - high energy (short time).
(ex. wind and other primary sources; low electrical - high thermal).
6. Aero applications: cheapest hydrogen production; turbo design (plus
It is worth emphasizing the five novelties presented by hydroxy:
1. Safety in the generation, storage, and use of the gas.
2. Inexpensive cost of production compared to other alternatives.
3. Very high temperature of the flame.
4. Implosion capability to trigger atmospheric pressure as a source of
5. Ultra-high vacuum with simple equipment at low cost.
Could any other patent present so many innovative and developmental
possibilities as hydroxy with such a multitude of important applications?
R.B. Davis, PhD.
January 26, 1982
Bob Boyce Free Cell Design

Bob Boyce's Electrolyzer Plans Available to All,
by Michael Couch, for Pure Energy Systems News
A system for high-efficiency electrolysis that involves the alleged production of monatomic hydrogen, which has highly unusual and effective properties in accentuating mileage.
Bob Boyce was winning races in mini power boats down in Florida, using Hydrogen for fuel.
... One day he started noticing that at a certain RPM his power kicked up suddenly; as though he had a nitro boost or something.
... It turned out that one of the diodes in his Alternator had failed and was pumping an AC into his electrolyzer. When that certain rpm was reached the output from the electrolyzer suddenly increased.
... he found that when the frequencies kicked in he was producing much more monatomic hydrogen. He went on to perfect his electrolysis to the point that it generates a large volume of gas and mostly monatomic hydrogen.
... The electrolyzer cell itself is either 61 plates for torches and small motors; or 81 plates for larger gensets, ...
... he makes his own PWM3 Controller for Hydroxy torches and gensets. They aren't for sale but you can find the info in files on the Web. The controller uses three 556 Dual 555 timers. Each dual uses one 555 for pulse width and the other for frequency, generating 42,800; 21,400; and 10,700 cps respectively.
These frequencies drive the 25% modulation on top of the pulsed DC carrier "bias" current. The DC Bias voltage is input at the Toroidal Transformer's inputs which gets filtered into DC before reaching the plates of his electrolyzer with the AC Voltage riding on it.
... Bob says this causes a magnetic circuit through the center of the plates in the electrolyzer. The result of all these refinements is that when the water is split, the bias voltage keeps it from recombining, and H molecules have plenty of electrons to absorb, preventing the two Hs from joining. Thus the extra large volume of monatomic Hydrogen molecules.
... The 6"x6" Plates are spaced 3mm apart exactly and sealed on the sides and bottom. Water levels must be maintained in each cell. Bob's has a supply pipe with holes drilled along it for each cell.
... Bob says, you will get another area of separation in the water between the cells as well as on the plates.
... Mr. Boyce is a true humanitarian and has placed his system in the public domain in the hopes of helping the planet reverse global warming, end oil wars, and deliver free energy to the poor peoples of the world.
Hydrogen Enhanced Dio mileage test Part 1
This is the very first Hydrogen Enhanced Scooter tested in Saudi Arabia... in the middle of the desert.
This test shows up to where 150ml. of gasoline will bring this Honda Dio.
How can we use this for cars?
For those who are awake - here's something to think about.
GEET Fuel Processor deel 3
This is probably the next step to consider in making hydrogen on demand systems.
The GEET by Paul Pantone works!... it really works!!!
For those who dont understand Dutch... well, that makes most of us - English translations will be available soon.
Time to save the planet - be counted!
But there is one community in this world I cannot avoid nor would I like to avoid. And this is the scientific/ engineering community.
Recently, I was sort of dragged into the Inventors Week expo here in the Philippines by my friend... I was merely there to be his driver... It turned out that he used to be the president of this society. I saw one hydrogen proponent there with a cell (battery type) similar to Dingels. It's just a full bath battery type plate cells. He claims it makes 1LPM - but I didnt see any flow meter. He also have some boards presenting Industrial Applications - although I believe in hydrogen enhancement for combustion - I am still iffy and skeptical for industrial applications to such magnitude.
At any rate, it was quite some field trip. One thing I noticed though, all these Filipino (so-called) 'inventions' are lacking one common factor. They all lack appeal. They also lack a sense of conviction with regards to benefits to humanity as a form of a quick fix with a permanent solution.
This is probably why I hate patenting works - not because of the work required to make a good patent application, but the work needed to prove something to the patent office. In a patent application... only 10% is needed to do the invention... 90% is poured into inventing the presentation. Most of the inventions merely share the same thing inside and out, with only the descriptions and style as well as the name are having a wide spectrum of variance.
At any rate, I also personally do not believe in the term inventions, as the term itself means - creating something new. Is there really something new?... There are only innovations. Innovations means - designing something using ideas or stuff from existing things already. This is as lay as I can go. Of course - WIKIPEDIA can provide a more detailed definition of the aforementioned terms. But my point remains - He who calls himself as an inventor doesn't really know the meaning of this term. Everyone is just an innovator... everything is already invented by a a Prime Origin... GOD. Even Einstein cannot claim he invented the Atom nor the Electrons. All we have is mere imagination, logic and theories. With a mathematical model - after it has been critically scrutinized and evaluated or tested, it becomes a new scientific law. Therefore, nobody is better than anybody... this is not my theory nor my opinion - it's a fact.
In a more recent event, a friend of mine who has believed in me as he have believed in many gifted kids in the past - informed me of a debunking effort against me as a person in the light of my proof of concept experiments for Hydrogen enhancement or HHO applications.
In particular - the HHo enhanced Honda Dio Mileage Test was critically evaluated by the engineering community of CR4 (the engineering website). Of course CR4 has nothing to do with it, the engineers are highly respectable characters in their field and I do and still respect them after this event.
At any rate, to make this short, I responded and I am happy with the results.
The best response I got is this...
Its from Andy:
Many thanks for taking the time to reply. It's good to have input on this forum from someone who has actually built a unit and experimented with it. From my point of view, your subjective appraisal that the engine is more responsive with the gas, is as indicative of the effect as any of the measurements.
There are various ways of doing meaningful tests and each one has it's advantages and disadvantages. Timing the acceleration to a certain speed at full throttle, measuring the distance taken to achieve a certain speed (at full throttle), timing how long a set amount of fuel lasts at full throttle, timing how long a set amount of fuel lasts at a set maximum speed, measuring the distance achieved from a set amount of fuel at full throttle, measuring the distance achieved from a set amount of fuel at a set maximum speed, etc. Each test will be a combination of various factors including the particulars of the engine and carburettor.
Tying the gas generator into the alternator output is an elegant way of having reduced output at low revs. Simple and effective. Because your unit uses the voltage directly, it is referred to as a "resistive" or "brute force" generator. Not very efficient but clearly effective enough to create a tangible and measurable difference
DC electrolysis produces H2 at one electrode and O2 at the other; AC electrolysis produces a mixture of the two gasses at both electrodes. As you are not keeping the hydrogen and oxygen separate, the gas composition is exactly the same as "Brown's Gas", also known a "hydroxy" and "HHO" (much to the confusion of some members of this forum). What you call it doesn't really matter IMHO.
The effect of the very small amount of hydrogen is to enhance the burn or explosion of the petrol (in your case) so that the fuel is not only burnt more completely but also burns closer to the start of the power stroke. You feel it as a much more responsive but there is not enough energy content to run the engine alone.
Some people misunderstand the whole argument about HHO generators as if it were about adding [significant amounts of] energy into the mix; it's not. A better analogy would be stoking a fire. You can greatly increase the output of a log fire by riddling it with a poker. The amount of energy that you are expending is minimal but the effect can be huge because you improve the way that the fuel burns.
Happy experimenting. Keep us apprised of your results. All the best
Cheers everyone!
Australia Farm - Lowest Carbon Footprint in the world
This has got the groups VHE conversion (Small engine) and soon will be updated with Ady's/Naresh's Hilux conversion. This has also got info to support Paul Pantone well done guys and to Naresh/ALL what a brilliant group you all are!!.
Generic post to groups
This is the first farm in Australia to have all these technologies working in one place (going to be used for educational purposes). This farm is also the first to have the LOWEST carbon foot print in the world as a result of the implementation of these technologies. There are no other modifications like this which can be done to existing technologies and match this energy efficiency and the pollution cutting attributes.
This has come about as a result of the open source energy community(world first), I must say a personal kudos to all of you working together. We will be presenting these efforts of the open source community on the mainstream media this year, the farm will be ONE template used. Yes the OU technology will also get a mention. This Farm features information for technical people and the MAINSTREAM audience.
Technologies featured:
Roto Verter (energy saving and OU R and D)
SOLAR Bedini technology/Imhotep
HEMP awareness.
The re loaded versions will have updates on the GEET/VHE diesel ute and the HEMP production growing that the non profit org is doing there in the near future. Also we will be doing educational Algae Bio fuel production there (course coming soon). The Farm will also be used for Orgone experiments to help validate the science for the mainstream ethos. We will invite the mainstream press up to cover this farm and pug the open source engineers efforts shortly.
So i think we have a good start here for all. We not only achieved a 40% increase in MPG
We also got the premier of our state on record regarding this technology and others.
Also featured is the most efficient drill in the world (RV). There are many good examples of the open source energy communities research being applied here IN THE REAL WORLD and doing real benefit. There is also valid FACTS showing how we need to create more security and attain more political support (and grant support ) for this technology/FREE ENERGY technology. Plus valid reasoning for the non profit Panacea R and center solution.
There is also a mention of the ZPE aspect of the RV and asks for help for Hector the inventor. BTW two of our engineers (open source ones) were suppressed trying to release the self running designs, ill have more info on that later.
There is a medium here for every one to use to help the cause.More to come all. Please us this info and forward to farmer s and you local politicians if you can.All technologies featured can be found on the no profit open source engineers uni site.
The Energy Footprint of Bottled Water
Senior Writer andrea Thompson – Wed Mar 18, 6:19 pm ET
Our bottled water habit has a huge environmental impact, including the amount of energy it takes to make the plastic bottles, fill them and ship them to thirsty consumers worldwide.
A new study breaks down just how much energy is used at each step of the process.
An estimated total of the equivalent of 32 million to 54 million barrels of oil was required to generate the energy to produce the amount of bottled water consumed in the United States in 2007, according to the study, detailed in the January-March issue of the journal Environmental Research Letters. Of course, this is but a third of a percent of the energy that the United States consumes as a whole in a year.
In 2007, the last year for which global statistics were available, more than 200 billion liters of bottled water were sold around the world, mostly in North America and Europe. The total amount sold in the United States alone that year (33 billion liters) averages out to about 110 liters (almost 30 gallons) of water per person, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation.
Since 2001, bottled water sales have increased by 70 percent in the United States, far surpassing those of milk and beer. Only sodas have larger sales.
The energy required to produce bottled water is particularly of interest now, at a time when many nations are looking for ways to reduce their energy use and associated climate impacts.
Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, a nonpartisan research institute, and his colleague Heather Cooley recently realized that no one had done a comprehensive survey of the energy use involved in the complete production cycle of bottled water, so they took on the task.
Plastic and transportation
The energy use breaks down into roughly four parts of the production cycle: that used to make the plastic and turn it into bottles, to treat the water, to fill and cap the bottles, and finally to transport them.
"Energy is used in a lot of different phases," Gleick said.
Most plastic bottles are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Little pellets of PET are melted and fused together to make the bottle mold. Gleick and Cooley estimated that about 1 million tons of PET were used to make plastic bottles in the United States in 2007, with 3 million tons used globally; the energy used to produce that global amount of PET and the bottles it was turned into was equivalent to about 50 billion barrels of oil, they found.
(Some companies have been shifting toward using lighter-weight plastics for their bottles, which reduces the amount of PET produced by about 30 percent and would therefore lower the amount of energy required to make them. The transition to less energy-intensive plastic is slow though, and not all companies use them.)
The amount of energy involved in that first step was a surprise to Gleick: "I didn't know how much energy it takes to make plastic or turn plastic into a bottle," he told LiveScience.
The energy required to treat water is substantially less and depends on how many treatments are used on the water and doesn't account for the bulk of the energy spent in production. Likewise, the energy used to clean, fill, seal and label the bottles is only about 0.34 percent of the energy built into the bottle itself.
The energy used to transport the bottled water depends mainly on how far it is shipped and what transportation method is used. Air cargo is the costliest energy method, followed by truck, cargo ship and rail shipping, in that order. A different study on the carbon footprint of wine also found this breakdown of energy use for transportation methods.
In their study, Gleick and Cooley used the examples of different types of water shipped to Los Angeles: water produced locally and shipped by truck involved the least amount of energy, followed by water sent by cargo ship from Fiji, with water produced in France and shipped by cargo ship and rail having the highest energy costs.
Individual choices
The final tally of 32 million to 54 million barrels of oil may be only about a third of a percent of the total U.S. energy consumption, but it could be considered an "unnecessary use of energy," Gleick said. (Roughly three times as much oil would have been needed to produce the global amount of bottled water consumed.)
The amount is 2,000 times more than is required to make tap water, "and we live in a country where we have very good tap water," Gleick said.
Gleick said that the purpose of the study was not to propose that bottled water be banned, but to help consumers "understand the implications of our choices." With the information on the energy impacts, "we may choose to do different things as individuals," he added.
Understanding the energy costs of the process also sheds light on the greenhouse gases that energy use emits. "Energy is sort of the first piece of the puzzle," Gleick said.
Quiz: What's Your Environmental Footprint?
The Truth About 'Healthy' Bottled Water
Energy News and Information
Original Story: The Energy Footprint of Bottled Water
Assembly of super 7 cell 2 of 3
I thought this is worth a second look, this Super 7 electrode core is composed of 7 outer tubes TIG welded together with a floating inner tubes connected by TIG welded SS rods... is a very basic design. What makes it special is it's arrangement, This honeycomb formation seems to have some electro magnetic effect and the TIG welded state also makes the electrodes possess zero resistance with each other... eliminating the imbalance or voltage drop per cell. To a certain extent - we can consider this as a fully modified 2 electrode design with maximized reactive surface utilization of 7 times 7.
This is one of my early videos which is kept private for a long while... I think it's about time to declassify it.
The unit you saw here is prototype #0001 - it is already in the possession of the Vancouver Gadgeteers Club, used as test or demo unit.
In this video, the inner tubes are placed securely inside with the use of flexible hose inserts, cut to small pieces...
The outer tube is treated with an semi conductive metal treatment oil, this allows my cell to retain all it's reactive energy within the inner side only, the oil serves as a coating to make the outer side sealed off from energy spill, it therefore increases the chimney effect factor occurring naturally inside.
My experience with coating the outer tube is the cell produces more stronger than without.
We have less than 100 months to reduce out Carbon Footprint significantly by half or more than half in order to stop some seriously irreversible effects of Global Warming. I am sharing this Super 7 idea to the world so more people can actually benefit from it. The design is simple, small, compact and cheap to make. It is also very solid.
I am not saying this will save you fuel... I dont care much about that. But I am saying - this is going to help save our planet.
For what good does it bring you if you gain the whole world, save fuel, save money... when you are not going to enjoy it tomorrow when there's no more planet to live healthily in?.
We all breathe one and the same air, walk one and the same earth, drink one and the same water... We are all in the same boat... It's our responsibility.
I am doing my part for quite some time already... I keep track of the waste I produce everyday... If I can help it, I wont produce waste. If I can help it - I won't drive a car, nor even travel... If I can help it. But of course, we cannot stop driving... the only Quick Fix I can think of that brings a permanent or long term benefit is Hydrogen on demand Combustion enhancement system for your cars. It doesn't cost much, a small price to pay for a huge reward for humanity. You lose nothing by adopting this technology into your daily routine. You are not only cutting your Greenhouse emissions by Half or more than Half!... the more you drive... the more you are actually Generating O2's which will help rebuild or patch up the Ozone Layer hole. This is a win win win situation. You are hitting 3 birds in one stone!
The 3 birds:
1. Reduction of Toxic Greenhouse Gas/ Humanities Health
2. Increase Mileage/ Increase Engine Life/ Increase Performance/ Savings for your pocket.
3. Increase O2 Output significantly to Strengthen Ozone Layer
It's about time you experience Guilt-Free Living and Guilt-Free Driving.
But what if the world ends tomorrow in spite of all these efforts... I can only say, it better to die trying than dying in vain.
Life is about the struggle we put in every fight. The fight is about saving our boat... the boat is sinking and we all have to get our acts together - collectively.
Forget about New World Orders and conspiracies... this is about You and the rest of humanity alike.
If you don't do it now... the question will is Who will?
Simple Schematic for Scooters/ Motor Bikes

This is a very basic schematic for bikes.
HHO Chit Chat
