
E Book


How I ran my Car with water

To share this information better... I was asked by friends to make a video about How I ran my car with water.

At last.. the video is already finished. It's not something done professionally... just amateur... filled with amateur enthusiasm.

The video will be available in Canada.. and will be sold for a reasonable amount just to cover our costs.

This is a product of all my experience and experiments done out of necessity.

The reason I was forced to explore HHO was due to adversity.

I started trekking this road 20 years ago... but since there was no urgency or need for this technology those days - I simply shelved it until the need to liberate oneself from the suppressive impact of our dependency to petroleum products came into the picture.

Please check out my video in youtube on the purple bug... Mileage Test Part 2... with HHO... where I made about 50% gains (3 km. to a 250ml. gasoline with HHO).

That VW consumes 250ml. per 1.5 kilometer without HHO.

This is already a big deal for me since I only used a small 3 element HHO module... not even the super 7 cell module I dream of making.

At any rate... please stay tuned as this develops.

Simple Schematic for Scooters/ Motor Bikes

Simple Schematic for Scooters/ Motor Bikes
This is a very basic schematic for bikes.
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